Invitation of views
Members considered it not necessary for the Subcommittee to invite views and meet with deputations to receive views on the three items of subsidiary legislation.
Legislative timetable
The Chairman concluded that the Subcommittee had completed the scrutiny of the three items of subsidiary legislation.
Members noted that the Chairman would move at the Council meeting of 22 November 2017 a proposed resolution to extend the scrutiny period of the three items of subsidiary legislation to the Council meeting of 13 December 2017. Members further noted that if the scrutiny period of the three items of subsidiary legislation was extended, the deadline for giving notice of motion to amend them was 6 December 2017, and the Chairman would report the deliberations of the Subcommittee at the House Committee meeting on 1 December 2017.
There being no other business, the meeting ended at 6:00 pm.