MR CHAN CHUN-YING (in Cantonese):
Chief Executive, according to the plan announced by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”), a single platform will be opened for all banks and e-wallet operators this September, whereby a faster payment system providing inter-bank, inter-operator, round-the-clock and real-time fund transfer and settlement services will come into service. According to Norman CHAN, Chief Executive of HKMA, after the launching of the system, friends need not pay cash when sharing bills after meals. To my understanding, members of the public can do real-time fund transfer even without e-wallet. In other words, Hong Kong will take a stride forward in becoming a cashless society. I would like to ask the Chief Executive if she will take the matter seriously by personally introducing the important breakthrough in the development of payment technology in Hong Kong, and offering help to those who are not familiar with electronic payment, such as elders and people who have never used electronic payment, to know and use this technology, so that electronic payment can become popular as soon as possible?
CHIEF EXECUTIVE (in Cantonese):
Mr CHAN, I am not good at using technology. Nevertheless, if you make this request―as I also said in my opening remark that I will not decline your requests as far as possible―I will make effort to learn how to use the e-wallet. However, am I the most ideal person for the promotion work? Not necessarily. Please allow me to deliberate with HKMA on how to promote the e-wallet technology in a better way, so that Hong Kong can move faster to become a smart city.
MR CHAN CHUN-YING (in Cantonese):
Chief Executive, apart from local publicity, promotion and education work, there are in fact tens of millions of visitors to Hong Kong every year. Will the Government think of some measures to help overseas or Mainland visitors understand and adapt to such a change in mode of payment in Hong Kong?
CHIEF EXECUTIVE (in Cantonese):
I thank Mr CHAN for his view. We will ask the Financial Secretary and HKMA to conduct a study.