Due to the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, I along with seven LegCo Members, namely Mr. Andrew Leung, Mr. Jeffrey Lam, Mr. Wong Ting-kwong, Mr. Martin Liao, Mr. Jimmy Ng, Mr. Holden Chow, Mr. Shiu Ka-fai, and representatives of the Chambers have arranged a round-table discussion with HKMA, HKMC and seven banks (BOCHK, HSBC, SCB, Citi, HSB, DBS & BEA) at the headquarters of HKMA to discuss measures for expediting financing for SMEs so as to address their urgent needs. The HKMA announced five measures shortly after the meeting and for details, please refer to the link attached*. I appreciate the quick response of HKMA which helps the industry to ride out these difficult times.
*HKMA link attached https://www.hkma.gov.hk/eng/news-and-media/press-releases/2020/04/20200403-4/