Speech at Council Meeting-Q3 Use of private properties for immersive cultural and recreational activities

Q3: Use of private properties for immersive cultural and recreational activities

Chan Chun-ying:

Thank you, President.  As mentioned in the main reply, as at June 2024, some of the nine applications received for industrial building conversion involved the use of certain areas for leisure and cultural purposes.  In this connection, will the Administration roll out a policy stipulating that applicants will receive proportionate exemptions or increases in the gross floor area if they undertake in their conversion applications to use the venues for leisure, cultural or immersive activities in the future?  This will provide a greater incentive for people to apply for conversion of more industrial buildings, thereby increasing the area that can be used by immersive industries.  Thank you.

Under Secretary for Development:

Thank you, President.  First of all, regarding the redevelopment of industrial buildings, when we reactivated the IB Scheme in 2018, we already offered an incentive to provide a 20% increase in the floor area for a redevelopment application.  Although the area that must be used for arts purpose has not been specified, industrial buildings may offer greater flexibility after redevelopment and can be used for holding different activities and, among others, serving as venues for arts and cultural performances or for recreational, sports and entertainment activities.  If any Policy Bureau puts forth a particular view that our policy must be enhanced to foster the recreational and cultural development, we will also take it into consideration.  Of course, we must also take into account the restrictions in various respects such as infrastructure, urban design and planning.  But if a related Policy Bureau puts forth a special request, we will take active steps to tie in with it.  Thank you, President.