Speech at Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

Revision of Fees under Entertainment Special Effects (Fees) Regulation (Cap. 560B)


Mr CHAN Chun-ying queried the reasons for the difference in the proposed licence fees for Special Effects Operators (Stream A) as compared with Special Effects Operators (Stream B). Senior Engineer (Special Effects) of Create Hong Kong (“Senior Engineer (Special Effects)”) explained that Special Effects Operators (Stream A) and Special Effects Operators (Stream B) licences were issued for handling different types of special effects materials. The time, and hence staff cost, for assessing applicants’ working experience and competence for these licences was different. As a result, the licence fees for the two types of licence were different.

Mr CHAN Chun-ying further queried the cost recovery rate that could be achieved if the proposed fees adjustment was implemented. PS(CCI) responded that, with an increase of the relevant fee items by 11.1% to 14.4%, full cost recovery could be achieved. This was in line with the Administration’s principles of prudent management of public finance and the “user pays principle”. Mr CHAN queried whether the rates of fees adjustment had far exceeded the increase in operating cost of the department. PS(CCI) explained that the proposed rates of fees adjustment reflected the cumulative cost escalation due to inflation and the increase in staff cost since the last fees adjustment exercise in 2013-2014. He added that the Administration had been mindful of the need to minimize the administrative costs to keep fees as low as possible.