Replacement of the Mobilising and Communications System of the Fire Services Department
The proposed Fourth Generation Mobilising System
Mr CHAN Chun-ying expressed support for the Administration’s proposal. He asked how the Administration would evaluate the performance of the proposed 4GMS. US for S responded that the capability of 4GMS to enable various service pledges of FSD to be met would be used as the basis for assessing the performance of 4GMS.
Expenditure on the proposed system
Mr CHAN Chun-ying sought information on the comparison of recurrent expenditure for the proposed 4GMS and TGMS. DDFS responded that the estimated recurrent expenditure for 4GMS would be around $200 million, as compared to a recurrent expenditure of about $120 million for TGMS in 2022.
Identification of the location of a mobile phone user under the proposed system
Mr CHAN Chun-ying asked whether the Administration had examined the privacy implications of incorporating the function of identifying a mobile phone caller’s location in the proposed 4GMS. US for S responded that regarding privacy concerns, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) had provided for exemptions for emergency rescue operations.